Monday, May 31, 2004

Hmm my entries seem so boring..dun seem so spicy like my archives one reads this shit aniway but it puts me at peace of mind knowing tt i let my thoughts flow here...Neway had been havin weird dreams last nite...but i dreamt tt i was in some foreign land desert...n a man climbed up dressed in tattered n torn clothin..walkin up the stairs of the pyramid claiming he was "Judas" and he came for me...n i was like wat the fuCk i juz jumped out n snapped rite out of my dream its freaky are a few excerpts

All the Gospels noted that Jesus knew who would betray Him. All the Gospels noted the name of the betrayer, the despised Judas Iscariot. John made no further mention of Judas after making this observation.

"And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood
with them."
John 18:5

Judas was the one who led the chief priests, and the Roman soldiers to the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus. We read,

"And while He was speaking, behold, Judas,
one of the twelve, with a great multitude with
swords and clubs, came from the chief priests
and elders of the people."
Matthew 26:47

"When morning came, all the chief priests
and elders of the people plotted against
Jesus to put Him to death. And when they
had bound Him, they led Him away and
delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor.
Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had
been condemned, was remorseful and brought
back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief
priests and elders, saying, 'I have sinned by
betraying innocent blood"

In short the man who betrayed...who embraced satan...n who repents...came for me...whoa so CooL hahaha man im eccentriC.

Oh well Had a funktastic day 2day man. My KISSES N MUACKS go Out to My MATes ... MAI SARAh hahahaa.... SAM aka Serious Sam... n My SIs...oh well 4 Of us had a realli nice time hanging out at esplanade singing n eatin our hearts out. Tis is reality...wat to do...haha acceptanCE!

Aniway tmr muz go find job..n hmm dunno la......i realli dunno wat 2 feelin disturbeD...

As for the major fight tt happened 2day......darn thought of suicide again..but ill save it for another cause..haha

Good Nite BloggiE....i talk 2 u another day okie..tata!

J A Always.... 11:56 PM

Music of the moment

Hmm seriously speaking....I cant slp die la...insomniac now...wah kaoz....cant make it Lol....hmm nw waitin for gay bro to come back..he still in taiwan ahh retard lol. Tired man think so much...but to no avail keep banging wall cant seem 2 unlock ani mysteries or puzzles. Aniway here are sum of my goals for June muahaha.

Have a bbq....die die must have...

Have a picnic...hahah crazy rite :D

Start baking again...i dunno sick of cookies..lets do cakes tis time haha.

Write a full pledged book on poetry..hmm theme has yet to be decideD! [Requests from ani of u would be nice]


N i dunno train n train n train? haha

Above all i juz wana slack...n recuperate...lala afterall...shes goina be gone for some good will hunting for other interests hahaa..

Neeway go read this guys bloggie at

Ull be lafffin ur ass off i guarantee ya..the way he writes on pathetic NS life lolx...

Well nitey nite im out finally Sleepy...!

J A Always.... 12:51 AM

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